Game issues since Update

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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:58 pm

Game issues since Update

Post by Vort »

Here's a list of issues since the update:

-The game periodically lags very badly. Verified with multiple players.
-Character could not log out or enter storage but still could play the game. Had to Alt+F4 to get out of game. Not verified with multiple players
-Sitting still resulted in the game appearing to be active. Upon clicking in the game, the game catches up to real time. (Game still in frame and not alt+tabbed). Not verified with multiple players
-Jewelweed does not spawn in any known location. Only prior existing jewelweeds are in the game. Verified with multiple players
-The ability to make common potions (prior to Alchemy) was removed the day of the release. Even though we were initially able to make them upon release, now no one can make Super Magic Potions or Power Potions. This could be in part with no guidance on how the leveling system works. The hotfixes upon release skewed everyone's data of discovery. The assumptions is that certain potions may now be gated by unachievable levels of alchemy.

Everyone please feel free to add more to any more known issues or verification of these issues.
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