Xenimus 2 Class Guides

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Xenimus 2 Class Guides

Post by EinSof »

To start this off here is some leveling areas and some tips that I have experienced first hand, where as some of the guides and stat allocation seen later in this thread comes from other players advice that I have consolidated and organized.

I am at level 57 now and want to update this to reflect the process for leveling as a caster.

For the first handful of levels basically until you are able to do the elemental task on farm without invisibility just do any quests, bug, imp, troll, skeleton, lava imp.
For really good free exp, go to the evil side skeleton dungeon and kill everything in the first floor near the staircase going down, leaving the screen to let skeletons respawn and then go back.
Rinse and repeat for great exp per hour.

Once you can do the elemental task unlimited turn ins of 20 without invis, which is to say they hit for almost no damage and they die pretty instantly.
Go to evil side and run around racking up about 500 - 1000 kills over the course of an hour or two. Thats what i did.

Then once you can do the same thing go to Brown Spiders right beside T2 on the left above the Skeleton warriors, kill about 15-20 and then walk on the bone piles for 5K exp
do this till about 25, it went by pretty quick at 2mill exp an hour at my best times.

Eventually i went to the barb camp north of the evil side main town (Solus) in the top left.
This was to get a +2 Bonus Level of Abilities Animus Scentia ring from the rare drops of killing the large groups of barbarians and 3 Apprentice mage rings. (Which are pretty much best in slot rings untill you can upgrade to better mage rings later on) Though the mage rings were gifted so im not too sure where they do drop from, that may not be the barb camp but the Animus Scentia ring which is the most important one does.

Once I was high enough level i went and did the same type of farming at the Skeleton Warriors below the Brown Spiders.
I did die a few times so i had about 50 or so Maximus Potions / Vis maximus potions and a magic bag on me at all times.

And then after that I went to Ultra Lava Imps at the far right of Consignment/Orseth around level 30 and farmed the imps inside and out untill 45ish. (at 40+ I was getting roughly 10-12 mill exp an hour), One tip here is once you get the 45K exp bonus for clearing the outside, go inside where it is a bit harder and clear the mobs untill you get the 45K bonus there then leave and do the outside and you will get the 45K bonus, go inside rinse and repeat. (gas form inside as transing around is not available if you need to move quickly)

45ish-current (57) I went west of T3 and farmed at the daemons above the hellknights, this area in my opinion is really boring as its not visually interesting and the mobs only get pulled in groups of around 3-6. The Exp though is about 9-14million an hour at level 50+

I could not find this information online and there is probably better ways to level but this is what worked for me and I hope this helps someone in the future assuming its still relevant.

As an aside, i did get a ton of help from people in the community and in game with runs through shrines and gear and consumables and general knowledge so please if you dont know and you are lost, just ask someone.

Wizard Stats :
STR 10
AGI 10
CON 37
INT XX - No Max, Main Stat.
WIS 20

The Skills :
Max out Energy Devotion, put the rest into resists.

Stat priority : MP / MP Gain / MP Steal and bonus energy damage

Item Priority : Stat sticks, you never hit anything physically.

Play : You Play by teleporting around using your AOE and beam ability almost exclusively.

Druids and Clerics
The Stats should generally follow:
STR 10
AGI 10
CON 37
INT 20
WIS XX - No Max, Main Stat.

The Skills :
Max out Spirit Devotion, put the rest into resists(Fire and Shadow to start ). Later putting points into resist master and critical magic.

Play : You tele around and Multi spam, using charmed monsters for bossing (Unless your a Cleric then.. you dont) and fulgar or whisp for single target dmg (No Whisp for clerics).

For leveling try and grab a shield and mace with dual steals (HP and MP) as this works with magic attacks and focus on HP > HP Steal > Armor Points for gear.
Though in my experience using a staff was still better almost always due to the wizard/warlock like gameplay of this character and benefiting from the properties on staffs that help the quality of life for that style of play untill you get a dual steal Life Hammer and Spirit Shield, then you steal so much damage you dont need to worry about health or a gear swap until 55 (first wand/staff)


The Stats should generally follow (pre shrine which adds +2 to all stats ):
STR 34 (36 is for the best bow, though 30 is needed for the lvl 65 bow so you can put this to 28 depending on your goals)
AGI XX (Main stat, no max)
CON 37
INT 10
WIS 10

The Skills :
Max out Bow and then bow related skills

Play : You dont really have good movement skills as no tele so focus melee to get started leveling and eventually when you get good rings and gear and potions which help with attack speed and survivability you can focus more on using the bow and your multi shot.

Properties : Focus on attack/shot speed, +hit and HP Steal/HP on hit

As you wont be getting any portal spells to my knowledge i sugguest buying 30 or so battle scrolls and reading a new one when it runs out to get up your read quickly.
You will also need trans wands to teleport around as you do not get this ability.

Think Maxing out Fire damage and playing a fire caster, Mage Rings and Staff. This build is not the melee Dark War build as that seems to be reportedly unbalanced and people have gone with the STR and INT build for leveling as the Melee version of this build, although it can be effective in PVP is not effective for the leveling process or 65+farming.

73 str
10 Agi
XX cons
38 int
10 wis

Abilities : Burn, Juxtra Range
Properties : +Fire, HP and MP Steal, Magic Protection/Resists
Gear : get those mage rings out, seriously. and a staff with fire damage. Reach for that rune staff or whatever stat sticks you can find. you are not a melee build.

Juxta is your AOE and this spells base damage scales off of Strength, its damage from the fire attirbute scales off of Intel.

Flamma is your only real single target spell but it will hit very hard late game as we focus on Fire damage with this build.

As such your stat leveling will be focusing on getting strength to 73 as soon as possible, then focusing on getting Int to 38 followed by then dumping everyhting into cons.
If survivability is an issue you can split STR and CONS while leveling, but int is not a focus untill str is at 73.
For that survability Shadow form is usefull as it provides great move speed and protection from shadow damage.

Your going to have 2 avenues, PVP and PVE. PVP will focus on a combination of STR and AGI with less CONS, using the strongest mace available in the game when at max level and using Daze to constantly stun your opponent so that they cannot get a hit in on you or cast spells. The Melee Warrior is considered to be the best choice when looking to 1v1 casters in PVP due to its constant stun.

PVE will focus on mainly STR, some AGI and CONS.
Both will level using swords and shields as they offer the best attack speed to damage compared to any other melee.

61 STR
61 AGI
10 INT
10 WIS

75 STR
29 AGI
10 INT
10 WIS

Abilities : Spin attack and Spirit Run
Properties : MP base is extremely important as you will have almost no magic pool, HP Steal and hp regen.
Gear : Swords and shields, heavy armor and anything with MP base to facilitate you doing more of your abilities.
Skill Points : Swords, consider shield. Fierce Warrior, really you can choose what makes sense in the warrior tree for you outside of that as you wont be getting many abilities options like Berserk and Sure hit may be important to you down the road. Though Swords is a must for leveling. Daze is important for PVP spec when you are at the point where you can PVP.

You will not be getting the ability to Trans around so keep in mind any melee class and similarly darkwars really benefit from having a sepearte character which can gather resources like rings, potions, magic bags and trans-wands to effectively sponsor this class during its leveling process.

**An important note is that at a certain low level (i think between 10-14) you will start doing your battle moves automatically without them needing to be on the hotbar.
This does mean that the magic needed to cast these abilities does get used and you cannot control when they will be initiated but also that you do not need to have them bound for them to be utilized to some extent.
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