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 Class Balance Update 
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Post your views/ideas about class balancing and I will get one going.

Thu Apr 04, 2024 4:14 am
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There is a need to reduce the number of restrictions put on characters. It creates a super easy to solve problem that once figured out nearly instantly leaves little room for any weaker classes to be utilized. Which means we need constant balance updates. Also it restricts character strength from ever being overwhelming. Which was at one point seen as a good thing, but has been shown to stifle competition between players. Basically if someone beats you in the current game there is nearly nothing you can do to overcome that skill difference with gear, stats, skills, or unique builds.

-I think we need to revert the nerfs to gear.
-Lift restrictions or dramatically raise them for all magic damages, and all magic protection.
-Greatly reduce the diminishing returns imposed on stats or raise the starting point that they kick in.

Per specific class changes that would be welcome.
Clerics -
need additional hp, either more damage or cast speed on evil beam spell.

Daibolist -
need additional hp, need their fire skills shifted to spirit or energy or their fire spells need to be significantly stronger.

Warriors -
They need health reduced, and their fiece warrior skill reduced.

Darkwars -
They need the strength modifier for juxta to be significantly higher, and the base damage of juxta increased.

Rangers -
Need to be dangerous. Every third shot should track to the target so it can't miss or something. Or we need to consider scrapping the bow concept, and move them towards melee weapons. It's a broken concept as of now.

They're doing well in PvE, but they seem to be next to useless in pvp.
They need more health, sidus damage damage should be increased, and consider buffing their skill that has a chance to increase their damage to something like 10% or 15% instead of 5% chance.

Rune of Spirit needs to have the number of shots allowed to be shot increased to 4 or 5. That will significantly help all mages.
All high end wands need a buff. Everyone uses very low level wands because they have better stats.
Super vexar capes were a cool idea, but they aren't significantly different than regular vexar cape. It feels like we just have 4 versions of the same cape almost. The Vexar Warrior cape has mage stats.

Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:37 am

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You don't need to remove any past gear nerfs. What's done is done.
Better to add/include new gear sets to fill in gaps and expand Oblivion and possibly new sets SIMILAR to Vexar and Oblivion.

1. Critical Hit - take a look at critical hit. Melees seem to be 2 shotting alot of players when it takes a similar geared mage 5-10 beams to do the same amount of total damage. I think it's critical hit but it could be something else.

This mainly affected Paladin/Darkwar/Warrior - the melee hitters.

2. Warriors need AMP cap reduced to like 65%. You said when you released warriors, magic is their weakness.

3. Darwarks - shadow form is still overpowered and should be toned down by 25-50% across the board.

4. Warlocks/Wizards need better survivability. If you fix 1. then this might not be needed but if Crit Hit is fine, mages need higher level robes with more ac and resist dispell.

5. Breaker / Chaotic - These are GAME BREAKING as they allow for INSTANT KILLING of any oppontent. Idk if they are bugged but more than often they proc on the FIRST hit meaning you are dead the next hit because with 0 teuri/extrudere you take like 200% more damage.

These 2 props need to remove 1 buff not ALL buffs at once. (might be bugged )

6. Rangers - IDK what they need cuz the class is unplayable and squisher than a mage but perhaps start by giving them Shot Speed back. Maybe better ranger specific armors/capes/boots.

7. I think a huge flaw to the game is running gear thru RNG application that assigns props to gear.
If ej hand picked which props went on items then the gamemight better balance.

We see Vexar MAGE capes with +1heal on hit (which is a prop ALL skills use) and 1 steal Mp (which no mages really needs more of) when you have just added +10 resist dispell or +1 cast or +1 revenge. Something cool and magey.

A ranger specific item could be a Vexar Cape with +1 shot speed. You know exactly which class it benefits.

to be continued.



Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:00 pm

Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:47 pm
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I think xenforum had a pretty solid post.

First, I'd like to start off by saying that I believe that majority of these classes require a complete overhaul. A huge problem with today's game IMO is the fact that classes actually aren't as viable as others and that leads to extremely boring and repetitive gameplay. Specific classes are clearly better than others and the areas and rewards they are capable of reaching simply outweigh the amount of fun you'd have on your favorite class, especially if your favorite class is extremely weak. With that being said, I'd really like to see players find different niches/identity amongst the classes. I think we had that before when things were a little slower on certain classes, specifically for mages. Mages always were interesting because each mage individually filled different roles amongst the game and because the monsters were relatively easier during GVE days, it allowed for every player to actually play the class they want.

Warlocks had insane AOE with a strong multi that allowed for great combos
Wizards had an all around playstyle that allowed them to be a little tankier while still outputting good damage
Druids were a very fun solid class that utilized great combos and pestering CC
Clerics were an extremely fast class for mages that had a multi that could be used practically at the same time as trans.

You can notice similar things for melees as well.

Fighters was a solid fighting class that had skills that could change outcomes of fights
barbs was a very good fighting class designed to kill mages
darkwars were fast melees that utilized fire as their multi ability
rangers were fast melees that used a bow to clear the game

As the game progressively got harder, the need to actually be effective went up tremendously and I hope that we can get to the point where each class feels impactful and awesome to play.

For the actual changes.....

I think the weakest class in the game is a cleric so I'll start there. This is going to be going down in a worst class to best class order

1). Cleric - Cleric having a delayed and weak multi on a super squishy class just doesn't work. You get outpaced by every other mage and while in PVP they CAN be effective... i think it still takes a bit too much to make a cleric effective in PVP when compared to other classes. I think for clerics to enjoy their class they'd really like to see the ability to use wands/shields again (with new and improved 1handed wands like before and new shields that offer a variety of stats). This alongside a boost in their damage would allow for clerics to not only feel tankier but also increase their clear speed by a decent amount

2). Ranger - I think ranger is currently the second weakest class in the game. This class for some reason has always received backhanded touches that never really amounted to anything. Their latest buff of damage reduction feels great but for some reason comes through your skill tree. It's consistent for this game to provide buffs through skills but I think rangers play out a little bit different because they are the class that has the most amount of points already pre-determined and allocated. Their bow skills take 90% of your skills and for majority of stats you can't fill out the core pieces of a ranger if you want to get the full effect of the damage reduction. In theory this sounds like fantastic game design - allowing for players to determine what they want... more damage or be a little tankier... but the problem is that the class was top 2 weakest class before this came out... other classes get flat out buffs while rangers get an ultimatum. Pair this alongside the nerf to shot speed and honestly ranger is more unplayable than it ever has been before. Their DPS has completely gone out the window and that's what the class has been known for.

As for the actual changes to rangers... I'm a huge advocate for rangers using their bows and so these changes would be geared for that. I think rangers damage needs to be upped a tremendous amount. Their multi should be unequivocally harder hitting than any of the other melees (other than a fire spec'd darkwar). To make the class more enjoyable and give them their identity.. I think they should receive new abilities that combo off one another. These abilities should be fast and hard hitting. Rangers should look to be constantly moving/kiting and comboing properly to be effective.

3) Darkwars - This one is going to rattle some feathers... While darkwars are definitely one of the strongest (probably the strongest) pvp classes in the game... I'm huge on every class being capable of completing what the game has to offer on their own... darkwars currently cannot do that. I think their juxta needs to be buffed up tremendously. The spell before was really good (maybe too good)... but now it is unusable. Darkwars have always been my second favorite class because they play similar to a ranger and their multi was extremely fun to use. I think darkwars have a clear identity and an effective one too... a squishy class that has the tools to instant kill people.

I think for darkwars... a significant buff for their juxta - that scales hugely with their fire damage with an offset to their breaker to even the playing field. I believe breaker should continue to give resistances to the darkwar. I like the idea of a squishier class getting a boost in resistance to allow them to feel secure enough to put out their damage but it should lose it's dispell effect. Breaker is a game breaking ability that gives darkwars a free win button. Super lame.

4) Druids - Druids need some sort of love in the PVP department. I really think that's all they need. A boost to their single target abilities would put this class in a fantastic spot. I don't think they should get the same treatment as clerics with wands/shields as it'd make the two very similar. I like the idea of keeping them with staff/wand

Simply just boost single target damage on druid by a decent amount. Maybe allow them to incanture cool monsters again. (I know it's still there but kind of not utilized because it's not worth)

5) wizards - This is a hot take but I think that wizards should have their winds buffed. Wizards should be the class that is used to keep people honest with speccing into fire and ice. I think that wind is a very cool spell that gives off that "wizard" vibe. They do really well in PVP but fall a little bit behind on the PVE side of things

Buff - Ice and Fire wind and make them viable options to clear stuff

6) Paladins - Paladins are in a tough spot because they simply are worst warriors. Warriors have all the light and paladins are kind of in the corner crying. Don't get me wrong... they are a super effective class that can work and that's why they are this high. They don't need many changes.

To keep the paladin identity as a holy class... I'd like to see new gear introduced into the game that offer paladins a medium amount of offensive stats and a small boost in spirit bonus. This spirit bonus would in turn give paladins a boost to their fantastic buffs. If spirit damage % is not scaling well with buffs, boosting that will go hand in hand with the new gear.

7) warlocks - Warlocks are the cream of the crop mages. I think that's how the saying goes... These guys can do it all... I think the only reason warlocks are not dominating in pvp is because warriors are huge counters to them and they're the strongest class. Not a single change to them

8) Warriors - F*** this class.... this class is pretty dumb right now... they have practically no counters to them... they have insane hp pools, insane base damage on spin... they have CC.. they have a buff that gives them AC and AMP... they have it all...

I think warriors are the only class that should receive a nerf and it's simply to reduce its base damage on spin and reduce their hp by a small chunk.

Can you tell I got tired by the end of this? :) Please let me know what you think .

Stop being soft.

Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:19 pm

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:40 pm
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Another thing everyone leaves out of class balancing is buffs.

Game is too buff dependant.

Random buff gets abused so u just let lvl 30 imps hit your 73 for 15 seconds til you get the buff u want.

It should only apply to mobs you can get exp from

Adept buffs are too string.

Speed burst is too powerful on melee spin that already chunks 50% of your hp.

These are part of class balance.



Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:10 pm

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Still waiting on druids dmg to be fixed

Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:00 am

Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:29 pm
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Form a team of 5 players to advise on these changes. If you need me to gather players who i know, KNOW, a lot of things of the game.. that can happen.

When you consider the entire games opinion.. it becomes very very bias.

Because I think its hella cool.

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Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:12 pm

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2021 5:20 am
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Xen101 wrote:
Form a team of 5 players to advise on these changes. If you need me to gather players who i know, KNOW, a lot of things of the game.. that can happen.

When you consider the entire games opinion.. it becomes very very bias.

Stew Crew can do it. We just play the game and have done all bosses.

Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:56 pm
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I've reported and helped fix more bugs than anyone else.
At your service.

Back on class balance.

Level 73 melee characters need a nerf in Pvp.

Or Mages need a buff in PvP

73 Melee can 2 shot lvl 70-73s because they do 40-50% per hit or 1 hit a lvl 70.
Darkwar, Paladin, Warrior damage is way too high in PvP.



Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:07 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:22 pm
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I think all classes at 73 should be able to farm top, and all classes at 73 should be able to farm fervo. Equally. Once all classes are balanced farm wise then I feel PvP will follow suit.

All classes should be viable if you want to play that class. Needing to make a Warrior to farm top, a Warlock to farm fervo, a Dark War to PvP, a Druid to farm Veil, a Cleric to get easy weekly dungeon pulls, Pally is just meh and Ranger is bleh.

Doing all that just to get great in-game chances is ridiculous. If I want to play 1 char and do whatever the game has to offer, I should be able to do so, I shouldn't need to make a mage just for fervo or a warrior just for top dd. Balance farming for all classes. That's where we should start.

Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:49 pm
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